enhanced epub conversion

Categories Supported by Enhanced eBook Formats

The purpose of any book is to engage readers. Beyond interesting content, numerous elements play crucial role in determining a book’s ability to keep readers retain their interest. With digital version started gaining popularity, reading habits started showing serious fluctuations and it further increased when interactive features were added. When the famous book ‘To [...]

2023-05-29T11:03:03+00:00June 2nd, 2015|Digital Publishing|

Enhance the eBooks by Incorporating Audio and Video

There are many professional companies that provide excellent enhanced eBook conversion services. Though there are not many readers supporting all the superior features of enhanced versions, those that support these can offer incredible experience to the readers. Devices such as Kobo Arc, iPad, Nook Tablet and Nook Color support ePubs that are enriched with audio [...]

2023-03-31T09:30:49+00:00May 9th, 2015|Digital Publishing|
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