OCR Scanning Services

Perfecting OCR Scanning Services

The output given by OCR software is never immaculate. Companies need to fix the errors in spelling and imperfections in page layout. There may be dots, black borders and speckles. However you can improve the output by applying certain techniques. Few of the most operative ones that most of the companies offering OCR conversion [...]

2023-01-30T12:56:34+00:00May 2nd, 2022|Digital Publishing|

Tips for Successful OCR Project Completion

OCR processing is something to be done with deliberate care and as a company indulged in providing document scanning and OCR conversion services, we respect this fact. We have more than decade of experience in availing related services and always enjoy sharing our knowledge in the realm. This blog deals with some of those [...]

2023-05-26T09:02:28+00:00July 28th, 2015|Digital Publishing|
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